Was Rococo Furniture Attached to Walls


Rococo article of furniture was designed to be attached to walls as permanent fixtures in rooms. truthful or false.

2 answers:

6 0


The primary characteristic that comes to mind when considering rococo article of furniture is opulence.  Rococo furniture was designed to reflect the affluence of its owner and served as a status symbol.  There were e'er many details incorporated into the piece of furniture such as intricate patterns that would have all been hand done.  The meticulousness of rococo piece of furniture cosmos is why it is still desired today as valuable antiques.  It was merely every bit much fine art as it was furniture.

4 0

It is false that rococo article of furniture was designed to be fastened to walls as permanent fixtures in rooms.
Rococo mode is an exaggerated, bizarre, lavish style which originated in the 18th century in French republic.

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The starting time answer selection is the i that all-time supports the thought that Mandy was changed past her experiences at MasterChef.

This respond option has the following passage:

"She aced the tryouts. At 15, Mandira became non only the youngest contestant to compete on MasterChef, but the but one e'er who wasn't an Elite." (Paragraph 24)

We tin can accomplish this reply considering:

  • Mandy had a very limited performance within the kitchen.
  • She didn't have access to resources that could assistance her and she didn't have anyone who could invest in her.
  • She seemed like an irrelevant competitor inside MasterChef, simply she used this opportunity to elevate her knowledge and skills, becoming ane of the best competitors and the only ane who lacked resources.

In this case, we tin can say that Mandy took the opportunity to get a better cook and overcome the difficulties that she had.

This question is well-nigh "Cooking Time"

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The best answer from the choices is letter C.

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